June 29, 2011

Onions and a Rant about Nectarines

Every time that I feel like maybe I'm being a little over-zealous about the whole "local foods" thing, I end up doing something careless--such as buying a bag of nectarines at the grocery store because Jason was in the hospital, so I neglected to go to the farmers market--and my convictions are re-affirmed.

Listen, I don't want you to feel bad if you're buying your nectarines at the grocery store, but c'mon, taste the difference.  The farmers market nectarines, even the conventionally grown (non-organic) ones, have a certain nuance to their flavor, that this big bag of rocks lacks.  I'm just sayin'...


On a happier note, the weather cooled down yesterday and I'd just harvested most of our onions, so we had some delicious French Onion Soup for dinner.

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